For this piece, my inspiration came from my own childhood. Who I am and how I act was directly influenced by my past experiences; particularly my childhood. From an early age, I was betrayed by my own father. After many years, the only emotion I feel now is disappointment. The video shows a fantasy scene of paper cranes flowing within a peaceful world. In front of the screen, black cranes line the sides of it, revealing the bleak present of reality. Paper cranes are extremely significant to this experience. When my father failed to return home after a long business, I sought to fulfill a Japanese folklore: Make 1000 paper cranes, and your wish will come true. So, I worked. Making it to around 500 cranes, the truth was finally dropped upon me. My father left because he was cheating on my mother. He had a secret side family. He loved them more than me. Thus, all that effort was for nothing. I put so much hope and love into what I made, yet he had destroyed all of them.
This loathing and distaste for my father is what spurs me to make this piece. While I still feel anger towards him, the prominent lasting emotion is betrayal. I recognize the truth of reality now. It will never be like the beautiful, serene atmosphere of the video. It was crushed long ago by my father’s hands.