The basic concept for my final project is Biophilia. The term Biophilia was coined by Edward O. Wilson. This hypothesis states that humans are naturally attracted to nature. In doing more research, one of the arguments for the Biophilia Hypothesis is the recovery of humans with or without nature. Research by Roger Ulrich in 1984, showed that patients that were shown nature during their recovery, healed faster than a patient that had the same surgery who was not shown nature. Stemming from that, the Biophilia Hypothesis also states that the reason why humans instinctively want to take care of baby animals like kittens or puppies, is because of biophilia. Their cute appearance links us to nature, and therefore humans wants to take care of them.
With all this information, I decided on two ideas. The first sketch was my initial idea. It references the research by Ulrich how hospital patients heal faster around nature. Thus, I sketched a large wound with flowers and plants surrounding it to facilitate its recovery. I want the cut to be very visceral and gnarly to contrast with the plants.
The second sketch references our innate desire to take care of cute things. In our current climate, deforestation and global warming are threatening nature as a whole on this planet. If we added more cute things to plants, would that help us take care of it more?
My final sketch links back to my original idea. It is a prescription bottle with, instead of pills, full of flowers and plants. Not only does just being surrounded in nature help with recovery, many modern day medicines are derived from natural remedies.
In conclusion, the Biophilia Hypothesis argues that humans are naturally inclined towards nature and we are comfortable in nature. With this argument, I want to show the benefits of nature in human lives.