This is the finished, printed Blobject. It did not go as smooth as I wanted. For one, I had to tweak my 3D model as the mesh was not printing correctly. That was just one of the challenges. After they were printed, I found that the balloon ties at the ends were too small and would snap off immediately. That and they were so small that it didn't print to look like anything anyways.
Afterwards, I was really nervous about the physics of the model. The cube on top was very heavy compared to the other parts, so I was worried it would collapse. Luckily, I found that it didn't collapse somehow.
The biggest challenge for this project was the coloring process. I had bought a lot of metallic spray paint and heavy primer. None of these helped really. The primer did allow the spray paint to stick better, but the metallic spray paint was NOT metallic. It did not shine and just looked like really dirty, muted colors. It was very ugly actually...
I tried all the metallic colors I had bought, but all of them did not have a sheen and stuck terribly on the printed parts.
In the end, I decided to paint them with acrylics. The entire painting portion of the project was very frustrating.
Overall though, I'm surprised by my blobject. I'm surprised that it can even stand and I do feel a bit proud that it is done.