I am repeating 3D Modeling for continued study into C4D and modeling. Once again, the first project I have is the Blobject.
My approach for this one is wildly different from my first blobject.
My other art classes are focusing on "play" and color. Thus, I'm transferring a little bit of those ideas into this project. I think a lot of time, art can become imprisoning. All the grades and deadlines can cause the art making process tiring and stressful. I think a return to "play" and a free mindset will do me well and bring me different ideas.
Since the Blobject is inherently solid, I wanted to contrast the object with something soft. I thought of Jeff Koons and his giant balloon animal sculptures. They are simultaneously soft but also very hard. So, for my blobject, I want to inject a playful feeling into the object.
My blobject features a wooden box on the bottom opening up and "releasing" a similar soft cube balloon and other balloons connected to it. I want to model the balloons to be very soft and have creases that replicate what a real balloon would look like. I think that will really mimic the feeling of a soft object yet it is made of hard material.

Balloon Dog
Jeff Koons

I am also inspired by Surrealism. Object (Le Déjeuner en fourrure) by Meret Oppenheim gave me that idea of a contrast between materials. A furry cup is almost like a contradiction in itself, so I wanted to also contrast the materials of a soft balloon and the hard plastic of 3D printing.

Object (Le Déjeuner en fourrure)
Meret Oppenheim